November 22, 2011

Some of my favorite things:

My down jacket(s), Smartwool socks, braiding my hair, dark chocolate, Clifford (the coziest sleeping bag ever made), strong coffee, snobby beer, gray v-neck t shirts, Under Armor leggings, the silence of the early morning, fall colors, sending packages to friends afar,  sunsets from mountain tops, ice cream, taking photos, snow, Converse, home-baked goods, fresh fruit and vegetables, talking with the same guy who always pumps my gas, Amelie, the satisfaction of making it through the yellow light, live music, writing in black ink, my moms eggplant parm, intense Jenga matches, singing competitions with Al (we both suck), listening to the bag pipes from Kelly's front lawn, conversing with old folks, chubby babies, winter hats, clean sheets, a crisp night in my tent, eating food the second it exits the oven (just like my grandma did), traveling, camp fires, rustic cabins, people watching, screaming down a mountain on skis, piano solos, cookies, apple picking, and lumberjack beards.

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