May 26, 2012

REI = A life saver

Today, REI saved my ass, and lots of money.

After a breakfast of fruit and calorie-filled cinnamon rolls, Daks, Tiffany and I made our way down the coast with Watson in tow. The most professional dog of the whole kennel was dropped off on his own personal vacation, and he whined and wagged his stumpy tail as we walked away.

We stopped in Olympia at REI to purchase all of the items that have turned to dust somewhere in the universe. I sure hope my gear still turns up, but I'm prepared if they do not. I'm ready to roll.

This is why I love REI so damn much: I had a conversation with the manager and she offered a 15% discount on my entire order, plus the 20% on the highest full priced item, and even let me purchase a few garage sale items, which is probably against store policy. Ya see, REI has a garage sale a few times a year; it is  the used gear that has been returned for one reason or another. Their sale isn't for another 2 weeks, but due to my unique situation, I was able to take advantage. Anyway, she was amazing, so I gave her some sugar in the form of a "you saved my ass" hug. Seriously, she saved me $200, I couldn't thank her enough.

We crossed into OR and stuffed our faces in Seaside. I drank a few Hawaiian beers that were brewed with coconut...Mmm, love!

For the first time ever, I sank my feet into the frigid Pacific. Walking down the icy sand to the water, I knew I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be. Despite the loss of my beloved gear, and stress I went through to quickly replace it all, I'm relieved I'm on the coast. I'm ready.

I'm taking one more day to decomress; the last few days have been wonderful, but with an undertone of dread. I need to unwind, alone, and reorganize my stuff.

Hello, Oregon, looks like we'll be friends for a while.


  1. I'm so glad that REI came through for you. Your ability to manage the stress -- and not let the USPS errors drive you crazy -- is impressive! I'm still hoping that your items arrive soon. Presumably there's no mail on Monday, because of Memorial Day. If they arrive Tuesday, will it be too late?

  2. Go REI! They are a terrific outfitter and I'm glad that they are so supportive of you. What a shame about your package! The sleeping bag with such history is not something to lose.
    Will you still start out today? It's been thunderstorming here on the east coast all weekend. Not ideal!
    Look forward to hearing more!

  3. I'm so glad you were able to dip your toes into the Pacific, Stormy. Soon enough, you'll feel the frigid Atlantic. And, by that time, you won't be worrying about your gear. Silly Clifford, just taking a little adventure of his own. ;)

  4. Yay! REI is awesome! Glad you taking it in stride... As life goes right? Excited to watch your journey xxoo Wishing the rest of your travels trouble free.

  5. I know that you're on the road now. We are so anxious for updates!
