May 31, 2012

Grande Ronde to Corvallis

Day 4. 50 flat miles. My skin is fried.

I just ate the best vegetable lasagna I've ever had. Tonight I'm staying with 2 wonderful Warm Showers hosts, Jeff and Bettina. Jeff is an Oregon native and dispenses medication for a living, and Bettina relocated here from Germany and is head honcho at Habitat for Humanity. Together, they have cycled in many countries, including New Zealand.

Today was a mild day, lots of flat and an 8 mile section on a bike trail. I was in my glory being off the road and away from traffic. I pedaled through an array of farm land and vineyards and soaked it up. The only trouble was passing wineries too early to be sampling wine! Things could have gotten very unproductive if the timing was right.

To entertain myself, I mooed at cows and neighed at horses; if someone was watching me on a spy cam, they'd think I was certifiable. I also sang verses of Rocky Top as loud as I could, and thought about the trail. It influences my everyday life, and I still miss it all the time.

Neatest thing about today: a bird rode with me for maybe a quarter mile. I'd like to think it was intentional. He flew 10 feet overhead and chirped as he followed my path. Maybe he was looking for a friend? Who knows, but I enjoyed the short company.

I also made friends with 4 llamas. As I was passing a farm, I U-turned to snap some photos, and they bum rushed the fence to say hello. I've never trusted llamas though, ever since one bit me with its snaggle teeth at the Bronx Zoo years ago. Never trust a llama, or an animal with snaggle teeth.

Lots of road kill today, and I nearly created one myself. Damn garter snakes need to keep off the road! I do not want to be responsible for the death of an animal.

Today, I hit my max speed on a bike (don't read this part, mom): 35.7 glorious mph. It sure made my sunburn hurt less for a whopping mile or 2. It's the little things.

More tomorrow, and I hear it's a flat stretch. That's great news, my body gets a little break before the real climbing starts. Hooray!


  1. SO cool, Patrice. Interesting as Warm Showers is in CAPS. Is that a hostel type of place? Oh the Oregon wineries could be trouble! Hey, whatever it takes to entertain yourself on the road, go for it.
    Hoping for a tail wind for you as you can pedal along and not even hear the pedals turn. It seems effortless, though I've only done that for a few miles in western NJ.

  2. How did you find out about these "Warm Showers" hostels? Are they on your map guidance?
    Love the story about the bird following you. A very smart bird!

  3. The animal encounters sound like great fun, and I continue to envy your ability to eat anything you want, and not gain a pound. I don't envy it ENOUGH to bicycle thousands of miles, though!

  4. Never trust ANYTHING with snaggle teeth - beast OR man.
