August 3, 2012

Chester, Illinois

46 miles. Crazy, crazy dogs.

We've been routinely getting chased by dogs now, so my vocal cords are getting a good workout. Today's challenge was playing chicken with Lassie, literally; an identical pair chased me, and one was more brazen than the next. I quickly dodged a bullet, though I'm guessing Lassie was just after the chase and would have melted into submission if I stopped to sweet talk him.

A few minutes later, I heard Whitney screaming in her best man voice, "Bitch you must be CRAZY!" I couldn't pedal because I was crying in laughter, she's one crazy mofo.

We finally left the Ozarks, and entered the 8th state, Illinois. I thought the Ozarks were going to claim not one, but both of my legs. Holy crap they were the bitchiest mountains we've climbed yet, so I'm glad to have them to my back. Ozarks, I shall never pedal you again. And don't try to change my mind.

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